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/ Cream of the Crop 21 / Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso / program / cworks16.zip / CWSMCAL.DFM / CWSMCAL.txt
Text File  |  1996-05-01  |  3KB  |  128 lines

  1. object SmallCalendar: TSmallCalendar
  2.   Left = 261
  3.   Top = 154
  4.   BorderIcons = []
  5.   BorderStyle = bsNone
  6.   ClientHeight = 121
  7.   ClientWidth = 161
  8.   Font.Color = clWindowText
  9.   Font.Height = -13
  10.   Font.Name = 'System'
  11.   Font.Style = []
  12.   PixelsPerInch = 96
  13.   OnShow = FormShow
  14.   TextHeight = 16
  15.   object Panel1: TPanel
  16.     Left = 0
  17.     Top = 0
  18.     Width = 161
  19.     Height = 121
  20.     BorderStyle = bsSingle
  21.     TabOrder = 0
  22.     object Label1: TLabel
  23.       Left = 2
  24.       Top = 2
  25.       Width = 155
  26.       Height = 16
  27.       Alignment = taCenter
  28.       AutoSize = False
  29.       Caption = 'Label1'
  30.       Font.Color = clMaroon
  31.       Font.Height = -11
  32.       Font.Name = 'Arial'
  33.       Font.Style = []
  34.       ParentFont = False
  35.     end
  36.     object CWBasicCalendar1: TCWBasicCalendar
  37.       Left = 1
  38.       Top = 16
  39.       Width = 157
  40.       Height = 102
  41.       CellColor = clSilver
  42.       Ctl3D = False
  43.       DateFont.Color = clBlack
  44.       DateFont.Height = -9
  45.       DateFont.Name = 'Small Fonts'
  46.       DateFont.Style = []
  47.       DayTitleFormat = OneLetter
  48.       DayTitles.Strings = (
  49.         'Sunday'
  50.         'Monday'
  51.         'Tuesday'
  52.         'Wednesday'
  53.         'Thursday'
  54.         'Friday'
  55.         'Saturday')
  56.       FocusMode = fm3D
  57.       GridColor = clSilver
  58.       GridLines = False
  59.       HeaderColor = clSilver
  60.       HeaderFont.Color = clMaroon
  61.       HeaderFont.Height = -9
  62.       HeaderFont.Name = 'Arial'
  63.       HeaderFont.Style = []
  64.       HeaderHeight = 14
  65.       HiLight3D = hlRaised
  66.       HiLightColor = clSilver
  67.       StartOfWeek = Sunday
  68.       OnKeyDown = CWBasicCalendar1KeyDown
  69.       OnMouseUp = CWBasicCalendar1MouseUp
  70.       object Bevel1: TBevel
  71.         Left = 2
  72.         Top = 14
  73.         Width = 152
  74.         Height = 2
  75.         Shape = bsTopLine
  76.       end
  77.     end
  78.     object CWArrowBtn1: TCWArrowBtn
  79.       Left = 8
  80.       Top = 4
  81.       Width = 24
  82.       Height = 14
  83.       Hint = 'Previous Year'
  84.       ButtonType = btPrevYear
  85.       Direction = dLeft
  86.       RepeatTimer = True
  87.       ShowHint = True
  88.       OnClick = CWArrowBtn1Click
  89.     end
  90.     object CWArrowBtn2: TCWArrowBtn
  91.       Left = 127
  92.       Top = 4
  93.       Width = 24
  94.       Height = 14
  95.       Hint = 'Next Year'
  96.       ButtonType = btPrevYear
  97.       Direction = dRight
  98.       RepeatTimer = True
  99.       ShowHint = True
  100.       OnClick = CWArrowBtn2Click
  101.     end
  102.     object CWArrowBtn3: TCWArrowBtn
  103.       Left = 33
  104.       Top = 4
  105.       Width = 14
  106.       Height = 14
  107.       Hint = 'Previous Month'
  108.       ButtonType = btPrevYear
  109.       Direction = dLeft
  110.       RepeatTimer = True
  111.       ShowHint = True
  112.       OnClick = CWArrowBtn3Click
  113.     end
  114.     object CWArrowBtn4: TCWArrowBtn
  115.       Left = 112
  116.       Top = 4
  117.       Width = 14
  118.       Height = 14
  119.       Hint = 'Next Month'
  120.       ButtonType = btPrevYear
  121.       Direction = dRight
  122.       RepeatTimer = True
  123.       ShowHint = True
  124.       OnClick = CWArrowBtn4Click
  125.     end
  126.   end
  127. end